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Cashless solution

Cashless Solution

Cashless Solution

Cashless solutions have emerged as a transformative force in the realm of financial transactions, revolutionizing the way students manage their finances. In today’s increasingly digitalized world, cashless payment options provide students with a convenient and efficient means of handling their expenses.

These solutions encompass a wide array of technologies, including mobile wallets, contactless cards, and online banking platforms. By adopting cashless methods, students can seamlessly make payments for Cafeteria, Mess, Tuck shop, Events and other necessities with just a tap or a click. This not only eliminates the need for physical cash but also enhances security by reducing the risk of theft or loss. Moreover, cashless transactions offer students real-time tracking of their expenditures, promoting financial awareness and responsible budgeting.

As educational institutions and businesses embrace this modern approach, students are empowered with greater financial flexibility and an enhanced overall experience in managing their financial affairs. Embracing cashless solutions is not just a technological advancement but a practical and forward-thinking step towards a more streamlined and secure financial future for students.


Cashless Solution for Cafeteria

Experience the seamless efficiency of our cashless solutions, already successfully implemented in cafeterias across the country. Revolutionize your institution’s cafeteria experience with contactless cards, smart cards, mobile wallets, and online payment platforms. Empower your students with swift, hassle-free transactions, minimizing wait times, and ensuring a smooth flow, especially during peak hours. Your institution could be the next to embrace this cutting-edge technology. Are you ready for the transformation?

Cashless Solution for Mess

Achieve comprehensive control over mess operations with real-time insights into the number of breakfasts, lunches, and dinners – distinguishing between paid and non-paid, veg and non-veg meals. Our solution is designed to enhance efficiency, and convenience and eliminate any potential leakages in the process. Having successfully implemented this solution at various campuses nationwide, we seamlessly integrate with ERP systems to fetch essential data. Is your institution ready to embark on this transformative journey?


Cashless Solution for Tuck Shop

Embrace the future of hassle-free transactions at our Tuck Shop with our innovative Cashless Payment System. We understand the need for seamless and convenient transactions, making your experience at the Tuck Shop not only enjoyable but also efficient. No need to carry cash or worry about loose change. Enjoy a quick and smooth transaction process. Choose from a variety of cashless payment methods, including contactless cards, smart cards, mobile wallets, or online payment platforms.

Cashless Solution For Events

Elevate your event experience with our cutting-edge Events Cashless Solution. Say goodbye to the hassle of cash transactions and embrace the convenience of seamless and secure cashless payments. Effortless Transactions, Faster Entry, Convenient Purchases, Enhanced Security are the 4 key parameters of our solution. We’ve successfully implemented our Events Cashless Solution at various venues, transforming the way attendees engage with and enjoy events. Be part of the future of events – embrace cashless transactions for a seamless and secure experience!


Trusted By 20+ Institutions Across India

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Description of the Cashless Solution Implementation

Description of the Cashless Solution Implementation


Benefits of Managing Cashless Solution

Benefits of Managing Cashless Solution

The myriad benefits that cashless solutions bring to your educational institutions and management are

Real Time Report

Real-time Visibility

Gain instant insights into financial transactions with real-time data analytics. Access comprehensive reports and analytics to track spending patterns and financial trends.


Improved Accountability

Establish a transparent financial ecosystem with a clear digital trail of transactions. Enhance accountability in financial processes, reducing the likelihood of discrepancies.

User management icons

Enhanced Security

Minimize the risks associated with handling physical cash on campus. Promote a secure environment by eliminating the potential for theft or loss of cash.


Streamlined Operations

Simplify financial transactions within the institution, reducing the need for manual handling of cash. Streamline fee payments, cafeteria purchases, and other financial transactions, enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Real Time Report

Reduced Administrative Burden

Automate and digitize fee collection, reducing the administrative workload. Enable staff to focus on core educational activities rather than manual financial management.

User management icons

Future-Ready Institution

Position the institution as forward-thinking and technologically advanced. Embrace cashless solutions as a fundamental aspect of becoming a future-ready educational institution.


Seamless Integration

Integrate cashless solutions seamlessly with existing ERP systems for a unified ecosystem. Ensure compatibility with various payment methods, including cards, mobile wallets, and online platforms.

User management icons

Parental Convenience

Empower parents with convenient digital platforms for fee payments and other transactions. Enhance the parent-school communication channel through instant updates on financial matters.

User management icons

Promoting Technological Literacy

Foster a tech-savvy environment, preparing students for a digital future. Introduce students to modern payment methods, aligning with the broader digital transformation.

Real Time Report

Budgeting and Forecasting

Utilize data-driven insights to enhance financial planning and forecasting. Make informed decisions based on a comprehensive understanding of financial trends.

Students Benefit From Cashless Solution

Students Benefit From Cashless Solution

In an era of digital advancements, cashless solutions offer students a host of benefits, making their daily transactions and experiences more convenient and efficient. Let’s delve into the advantages that cashless solutions bring to students in various aspects of campus life.

Mobile based attendnace

Quick and Easy Transactions

Speed up transactions with a simple tap or click, eliminating the need for physical cash. Enjoy swift purchases at campus cafes, bookstores, and other facilities.

Seamless work process

Secure Financial Transactions

Eliminate the risk of losing cash or facing theft with secure digital transactions. Enhance financial security and peace of mind while navigating campus life.

Training and skilling

Budget Management

Easily track and manage expenses through digital records of transactions. Gain insights into spending patterns, fostering responsible budgeting habits.

infrastructure costsss

Seamless Fee Payments

Simplify the payment of tuition fees, exam fees, and other academic expenses through digital channels. Avoid the hassle of standing in queues for fee transactions.

custom report

Real-time Notifications

Receive instant notifications for financial transactions, providing transparency and awareness. Stay informed about account balances, ensuring control over financial activities.

Dependency on Vendor

Accessibility and Convenience

Access cashless solutions through mobile apps, ensuring convenience at students' fingertips. Experience hassle-free transactions without the need for physical wallets.

scanned photo authentication

Digital Identity

Embrace a modern, digital identity by utilizing contactless cards or mobile wallet options. Stay at the forefront of technological advancements in campus life.

customization offere

Future-Ready Skills

Develop digital literacy skills by engaging with cashless solutions. Equip students with the ability to navigate and leverage technology for financial transactions.

Real Time Report

Enhanced Campus Experience

Contribute to an environment where the focus is on learning and growth, not on managing cash. Foster a campus culture that values modern, efficient, and student-centric financial solutions.

centralised controls

Parental Engagement

Enable parents to make fee payments and reload student wallets seamlessly. Strengthen the parent-school communication loop through digital updates.

Trust Meta Guard Cashless Solution



Call with the expert for
Free Consultation

Mr. Loveneesh Bansal

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The common inspiration that connected our two founders was their passion for DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION. Both had, in their respective spheres of earlier work, endeavoured to provide new solutions to address age-old problems.

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Call the Expert for
Free Consultation

Mr. Loveneesh Bansal

NFC Story

The “Assistance Control” project was inspired by the basic idea of the “Bologna Process”, a Pan-European collaboration which started in 1999, to adapt technology to provide a better quality of education that would allow improvement of the next generation of classroom teaching.
The best project finally chosen and tested involved students registered for classes with NFC phones, during the academic year 2011–2012 at “Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Campus Madrid” (UPSAM).
This resulted in the senior students at the School of Computer Engineering to certify 99.5% accuracy and ease of attendance that ensured continuous assessment without loss of instructional time allocated to this activity.

Source : Science Direct Volume 40 Issue 11, 1st September 2013, Pages 4478-4489