Seamless  Campus Entry

Major Challenges

Campus Entry
RFID Technology 1
RFID Technology 2
RFID Technology 3

Build something so good that everyone who did not use your solutions regret it everyday. We do not want you to regret.

UHF RFID Readers

Contactless Operation: UHF readers allow for hands-free, contactless attendance tracking. Individuals can pass through the gate without needing to physically interact with any device, promoting a seamless and efficient process. High Throughput: UHF technology enables high-speed data transfer, making it suitable for scenarios where a large number of individuals need to be processed quickly, such as during peak entry times.

Long-Range Identification: UHF RFID readers have an extended reading range, allowing for the identification of individuals even from a distance. This can enhance user convenience and streamline the overall attendance process. Data Accuracy: The use of UHF technology enhances data accuracy by minimizing errors associated with manual attendance recording. This leads to more reliable attendance records and reduces the likelihood of discrepancies.

Integration with Systems: UHF readers can be integrated seamlessly with attendance management systems, enabling real-time data updates and providing administrators with instant access to attendance information. Enhanced Security: By automating attendance monitoring through UHF readers, security measures can be strengthened. Unauthorized access attempts can be flagged immediately, contributing to a more secure environment.


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NFC Story

The “Assistance Control” project was inspired by the basic idea of the “Bologna Process”, a Pan-European collaboration which started in 1999, to adapt technology to provide a better quality of education that would allow improvement of the next generation of classroom teaching.
The best project finally chosen and tested involved students registered for classes with NFC phones, during the academic year 2011–2012 at “Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Campus Madrid” (UPSAM).
This resulted in the senior students at the School of Computer Engineering to certify 99.5% accuracy and ease of attendance that ensured continuous assessment without loss of instructional time allocated to this activity.

Source : Science Direct Volume 40 Issue 11, 1st September 2013, Pages 4478-4489