Total Automation in Library Management System

Total Automation in Library Management System

Streamline operations with an all-in-one library management solution by Meta Guard.

Library Management System

Library Management System

Library Management System

metaguard library management gif

Meta Guard offers a unique system specially designed to help libraries efficiently manage all the operations and activities involved in running a library.

By replacing outdated manual systems with innovative library management solutions, libraries can transform the experience for all stakeholders and users. Imagine a library where finding the desired book is effortless, borrowing is seamless, and information is readily available.

That’s the power of modern digital library management systems.

Key Features of Library Management System

Key Features of Library Management System

Pull Out Data With Library Information System

Search, add, update, and view library materials online anytime, anywhere. Our system offers seamless automation of cataloging, indexing, referencing, and circulation of books, ensuring you have up-to-date and accurate data at your fingertips.

Simplify Book Issue & Return Management

Effortlessly manage book issue and return procedures with our library management system, enabling you to track the number of books available and assigned to students and educators. Streamline all book-related information, in one place.

Barcode & RFID

Our system employs barcoding to give every book a unique identification number. These barcodes are assigned to books based on their title, author, topic, and publishing date. PowerSchool Neverskip’s RFID sensors further allows librarians.

Track Books With Cataloguing

Our library management solution provides digital catalog management, allowing you to keep track of the materials available in your library. Catalogue books by title, author, subject, publishing date, etc. 

Check Availability Status

PowerSchool Neverskip book management system allows students and teachers to plan their library visits by checking the status of books, whether they are available, borrowed, or reserved.

Collect Fines With Ease

Levy fines on defaulters through our system that automatically calculates the fine for late returns or damaged books received by counting the days from the issue date.

Maximize The Potential Of Your library With



Call with the expert for
Free Consultation

Mr. Loveneesh Bansal

library 1

Benefits of Library Management System

Benefits of Library Management System

Automates Library Management

Automates Library Management

Simplifies Librarian Duties

Simplifies Librarian Duties

Real Time Report

Eliminates Paperwork & Manual Entries

Reduces Maintenance Overheads

Reduces Maintenance Overheads

Saved Cost

Saves Operations

Real time Tracking Reporting

Offers Real-time Tracking & Reporting

Improved Organization Efficiency

Improved Organization & Efficiency

Better Student Engagement

Better Student Engagement

Are you frustrated by wasting a lot of time in finding a book in the library?

Pain Areas of Libraries Running on
Conentional Library Management System

Manual Library System

Digital Library System

1Finding a book in the library is like solving a puzzle: Finding a specific book in a library takes a lot of time & effort. It is leaving you lost in a maze of shelves.

2Very Slow Processes & Operations: Issuing and returning books with physical cards is a highly time-consuming process, leading to long queues. It is also prone to errors.

3Highly Manpower Dependent: Keeping manual records of the books that are issued and received, can gives rise to unforeseen errors. There may be many instances where the book is available as per issue card, but physically it is not available and vice versa.

4Book Stock Keeping – A Nightmare: Keeping track of physical stock with paper records is highly unreliable. Actual number of available books may vary substantially when compared to physical records.

5Data Duplication: Duplication and errors are very common when you enter information by manually. The same book can be listed twice or more in manual records.

6Librarians – stuck with paperwork – leads to poor liaison: Valuable time is wasted on tedious manual tasks instead of helping or engaging with library visitors / users.

7Delayed Communication of New Information: Librarians with manual systems find it very difficult in promptly communicating updates about new books and services that are added to the library.  Normally, in manual systems, members are required to visit the library in person or make phone inquiries to obtain such details, that leads to delays in information circulation.

1Quick traceability of the book: Whereas, the same book can be easily & quickly found with just few clicks when the book title, its author’s name & its bookshelf is properly documented in the software.

2Saves Time: Imagine a system where everything is automated, saving valuable time of the library staff & the students or the library user.

3Minimum Manpower Required with Accurate Information: Imagine a system that automatically updates itself, ensuring complete accuracy & less manpower dependent.

4Accurate Reporting of Books in Stock: With automated check-in and check-out of books, it is very easy to maintain and report stock of books available in the library.

5Zero Possibility of Data Duplication: Digital record keeping makes the process of book entries error free & there is no possibility of data duplication.

6Better Communication and Liaison: Librarians can spend more time interacting with people that helps in personal help with users and their interests.

7Quick Information Broadcast: In contrast, implementing a digital catalog accessible online enables readers to access information about new books or books available in library from their mobile phones, computers, or palm tops quickly. Real time notifications can also be implemented with the advanced digital library management system.

By replacing the outdated manual systems with innovative library management solutions, libraries can transform the experience for all stakeholders and users. Imagine a library where finding the desired book is effortless, borrowing is seamless, and information is readily available.

Why RFIDs in Library Management System

Why RFIDs in Library Management System

Library Management System Infographic

Efficient Book circulation management.

Automatic Check-in and Check-out.

Library inventory tracking in minutes instead of hours.

Multiple books can be read simultaneously.

Unique ID of the RFID tag prevents counterfeiting.

Facilitate inter library & intra-library borrowing

The fastest, easiest, most efficient way to track, locate & manage library materials.

Automated material handling using conveyor & sorting systems.

Trusted By 20+ Institutions Across India

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case study IILM university
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SDV faridabad satyug darshan vidyalaya
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case study IILM university
SDV faridabad satyug darshan vidyalaya
IIT Delhi
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Banyan tree chandigarh
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FAQ's On Library  Management Systm

How Does A Library Management System Work (LMS)?

A library management system (LMS) enables the librarians to track the status of books along with subscriptions & a complete user database. Right from managing the acquisition, cataloguing to serial control, issued/borrowed books, returned books & due date calculation, it helps in managing the daily work process in the library.

The library management system is an ERP software for managing library, track all the books borrowed with due dates, fees, etc. This system completely automates all your library’s activities.

RFID library management system contains books that are embedded with an RFID tag, and integrated with software, RFID reader and computer network. It carries out functions of lending books, returning books, along with tagging and sorting them.

  • Enables circulation of multiple books at same time
  • Helps the user to easily search books with its name
  • Ensures quick scanning and identification of books
  • Helps to keep the information secure
  • Helps the user by sending reminders to avoid late fees

You can choose the right Library Management Software (LMS) by following the given steps:

  • Understanding library’s needs
  • Setting goals with respect to the requirements
  • Prioritizing the important features & functionalities
  • Researching about the available LMS in market
  • Evaluating & analyzing various library management software
  • Speaking to trustworthy ERP vendor for LMS
  • Arranging a demo of the library software
  • Making final decision & implementing the library solution

Call the Expert for
Free Consultation

Mr. Loveneesh Bansal

NFC Story

The “Assistance Control” project was inspired by the basic idea of the “Bologna Process”, a Pan-European collaboration which started in 1999, to adapt technology to provide a better quality of education that would allow improvement of the next generation of classroom teaching.
The best project finally chosen and tested involved students registered for classes with NFC phones, during the academic year 2011–2012 at “Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Campus Madrid” (UPSAM).
This resulted in the senior students at the School of Computer Engineering to certify 99.5% accuracy and ease of attendance that ensured continuous assessment without loss of instructional time allocated to this activity.

Source : Science Direct Volume 40 Issue 11, 1st September 2013, Pages 4478-4489