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  • Inefficient & Time-Consuming Sign-in Process
  • Unauthorized Access of Visitors to Sensitive Areas
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Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy


Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy


Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy


Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy

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Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has.

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Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has.

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Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has.


Can I use a visitor software in residential apartment?

Yes, you can certainly use a visitor management software in a residential apartment or a residential complex. Visitor management systems are not limited to commercial or corporate settings and can be effectively used in residential environments as well. Implementing a visitor management software in a residential apartment complex offers several benefits:

1. Enhanced Security: A visitor management system helps enhance security within the residential premises by controlling and monitoring visitor access. It allows residents to register their guests in advance, verify visitor identities, and issue temporary access passes or visitor badges.

2. Streamlined Check-in Process: The software streamlines the visitor check-in process, eliminating the need for manual log books or paper-based systems. Visitors can check-in digitally, and their information is captured accurately and securely.

3. Improved Resident Experience: With a visitor management system in place, residents can have peace of mind knowing that access to the premises is regulated and monitored. They can pre-register their guests, receive notifications upon guest arrival, and ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience for their visitors.

A visitor management system offers several advantages over a traditional visitors’ log book. Here are some reasons why a visitor management system is considered better:

1. Enhanced Security: A visitor management system provides a higher level of security compared to a log book. It allows for authentication and verification of visitors through various means such as ID scanning, facial recognition, or pre-registration. This helps prevent unauthorized access and enhances overall premises security.

2. Accuracy and Reliability: With a visitor management system, visitor information is captured digitally and accurately, reducing the risk of errors or illegible entries that are common with handwritten log books. The system ensures that the data is consistent, complete, and easily accessible when needed.

3. Time and Efficiency: A visitor management system streamlines the check-in process, making it faster and more efficient compared to manual log books. Visitors can quickly register themselves, and hosts can be automatically notified of their arrival. This saves time for both visitors and staff, reducing waiting times and improving overall productivity.

A visitor management software can provide several benefits to your staff and organization. Here are some ways it can help:

1. Time Efficiency: A visitor management software streamlines the check-in process, saving time for both staff and visitors. It automates the registration process, eliminating the need for manual paperwork and reducing waiting times. This allows your staff to focus on their core responsibilities and improves overall productivity.

2. Enhanced Security: A visitor management software enhances the security of your organization by providing better control over visitor access. It allows you to authenticate and verify visitors’ identities through various means such as ID scanning, facial recognition, or pre-registration. This helps prevent unauthorized access and enhances overall premises security.

3. Improved Visitor Experience: A visitor management software offers a seamless and professional visitor experience. Visitors can quickly register themselves, check-in efficiently, and receive visitor badges or passes. This reduces the administrative burden on your staff and leaves a positive impression on visitors.

A visitor management system can benefit a wide range of businesses across various industries. Here are some examples of businesses that can greatly benefit from implementing a visitor management system:

1. Corporate Offices: Corporate offices often have a high volume of visitors, including clients, partners, vendors, and job applicants. A visitor management system helps streamline the check-in process, enhances security measures, and provides a professional experience for visitors.

2. Co-working Spaces: Co-working spaces accommodate individuals and companies who share a common workspace. A visitor management system allows for efficient management of visitors, ensuring that only authorized individuals gain access to the premises and enabling seamless check-in and check-out processes.

3. Educational Institutions: Schools, colleges, and universities frequently have visitors such as parents, guests, or external speakers. A visitor management system helps track visitor movement within the premises, ensures child safety, and simplifies the check-in process for visitors.


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Mr. Loveneesh Bansal


The common inspiration that connected our two founders was their passion for DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION. Both had, in their respective spheres of earlier work, endeavoured to provide new solutions to address age-old problems.

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NFC Story

The “Assistance Control” project was inspired by the basic idea of the “Bologna Process”, a Pan-European collaboration which started in 1999, to adapt technology to provide a better quality of education that would allow improvement of the next generation of classroom teaching.
The best project finally chosen and tested involved students registered for classes with NFC phones, during the academic year 2011–2012 at “Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Campus Madrid” (UPSAM).
This resulted in the senior students at the School of Computer Engineering to certify 99.5% accuracy and ease of attendance that ensured continuous assessment without loss of instructional time allocated to this activity.

Source : Science Direct Volume 40 Issue 11, 1st September 2013, Pages 4478-4489